Staging a home can go a long way when you’re ready to sell. This process helps prospective buyers imagine the true potential of a space. There are professional staging companies that will stage your home for you, but with a little planning and effort, you can just as easily stage it yourself. These some of the best DIY home staging tips. 


The first thing to do when staging a home is to remove all of the personal items throughout the home. Pack away all family photos so people can envision living their own lives in the space. Personal photos or objects in your home can make home buyers feel like they are intruding. If you work with the right real estate professionals, you'll be sure to avoid these simple mistakes


After living in a home for years, it's easy to collect and store endless amounts of stuff. Clutter can make it difficult for buyers to visualize living in the home. First, go through your home and discard or donate all things you no longer want to move with you to your space. 

Next, lease a storage unit and pack up all the non-essential items in your home - including extra furniture. It’s important to have furniture inside yet still give your home lots of open “white” space or breathing room. Remove items from the top shelves of closets, clear out cabinets and empty drawers. If you'r space it too cluttered, buyers won’t be able to appreciate the storage as an open opportunity for their own items.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

When staging your home, it is a good idea to not have prospective buyers distracted by too much color on the walls. While that bright red accent wall might have flowed flawlessly with your decor, it might not work so well with someone else’s. Adding a fresh coat of paint to your walls in a neutral color can help buyers visualize the space as their own.

Clean Everything

Once you've decluttered and packed away miscellaneous objects, give your home a thorough, deep clean from top to bottom. Clean baseboards, wipe down the inside and outside of cabinets, window sills and door frames. Make your home shine by cleaning the exterior windows.

While it might seem like a big task, tackle one room at a time and you’re home will be open-house ready in no time!

Add Curb Appeal

Curb appeal and first impressions go hand-in-hand when prospective home buyers look at homes. Make sure your front entry is clean and inviting. Sweep it well and clear away all spider webs, dust and dirt. Make sure your landscaping is neat and tidy and consider adding a pot or two of blooming flowers in a color that complements the front of your home.

Refresh Your Furnishings

Replace or store all furnishings that are worn or outdated. When staging your home, you can borrow or lease pieces of furniture that help brighten and freshen a space. If furniture is too large for a space, it can make your home feel small. Consider replacing them with smaller, more updated ones. You can consider purchasing pieces that you’d like to take with you or sell with the house!

Make Repairs

Repair any areas of the home that are broken or otherwise need special attention. Make sure to address squeaky doors, tighten all door handles, and make sure all lightbulbs are in good working order. 

Add a Look of Luxury

It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to give a home a luxurious feeling. Add a few fluffy pillows in the bedrooms and family rooms, and stack white towels in the bathroom. Purchase a few throws to casually hang over the side of a comfy chair or sofa. Add decorative soaps in a china dish in bathrooms, and have pieces of stemware out on the counter with a nice bottle of wine or sparkling water beside a bowl of gourmet candies or chocolate.

Taking the time to stage your home can definitely be helpful in selling your home. Doing the staging yourself can not only save you money, but it can also be fun. Do you need help getting your home ready to sell? Contact our experts for all of your Las Vegas real estate needs!